ini nih trouble maker-nyait's corneal laceration caused by metal foreign body. papu was hammering the bedroom wall when a tiny piece of the steel nail got into his eyes. tiny once it's out of the eye. unfortunately, the tiny piece has successfully lacerated papu's left cornea. and more unfortunately, it happened on the beginning of the long weekend, plus monday, second easter holiday in Papua. therefore, all medical centres were closed and we finally saw an ophthalmologist on tuesday, 5 days after.
papu went to the emergency unit at bhayangkara hospital on the day of the accident, but they said they could see nothing there, prescribed antibiotic eye ointment (without showing how to use it) and said all's fine, he could go home. the second day, he could see none but bright and dark. that's when papu sent for us home immediately. i've booked the flight for tuesday 25th then re-booked for saturday the 22nd. never in my mind occured that the eye accident was this serious. fatal mistake.
Jeela and I arrived on monday morning. saw papu's eye and was very worried about the grave condition. infection was clear. even the open corneal wound was clearly visible by naked eyes :( rinsed the sick eye, gave warm compress and rinsed again. that's when the tiny metal piece came out. put it in a tissue as documentation. very unfortunate. stupid emergency room. doesn't even have slit lamp :( if we were in big city, we could sue them for malpractice.
but the past has passed. now we have to preserve what's left. subconjunctival antibiotic injection every other day for 5 times needed to fight the infection. the 1st shot was yesterday. i have no idea how it felt. don't wanna imagine either. papu was trembling and cold sweat was trickling all over his body. thankgod he didn't faint. noone would carry a 92kg weight for no matter how far hehehe. papu said it felt like being circumcized all over again. and i still can't imagine how that feels like. well, anyway, something to be grateful about, today papu's beginning to see some sillhoutte of things, not only dark and bright. even though catarract is inavoidable, at least no further penetrating damage is in progress. like papu said, "dasar Jawa, selalu ada 'alhamdulillah'nya".
Lesson: never underestimate ANY health problem. how minor it may seem at first.