
Thursday, June 24, 2010

TK Aisyiyah 07.30-11.00

Insya 4ώǐ ya Najeela bisa main, berteman, bisa belajar bersosialisasi, bisa belajar membawa diri disini. Enjoy ya nak. Masalah belajar mah di Rumah aja. This is one of our way to show you how the real world is gonna be. Semuanya hanya untukmu mengenal Penciptamu dengan lebih baik. Untuk lebih dekat dengan YaNg menitipkanmu kepada Bu2n & Papu.

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Ya 4ώǐ... Hanya kepada-Mu kami serahkan Titipan-Mu. Hanya kepada-Mu.

It's gonna be fun baby :)

°• ☆srirejeki ☆ •°

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

di Depan Rumah Kontrakan Vuria#50

By the riverside. Uhuuuuuuyyyyy ☺

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yang Ngamuk di Tempat Les

Hari ini adik ngamuk. Tumbeeeeeen. Biasanya nggak pernah protes kalo dibawa keluar dari kelas lesnya mbak Jee. Hihihihihihi semuaaaaaaaa nengok deh ngeliat siapa yg bikin rusuh sore ini. Alhamdulillah sampe mobil bisa tenang, bisa diajak ngomong. Tentunya setelah Bu2n pura2 nangis heheheheheee....

°• ☆srirejeki ☆ •°

Monday, June 7, 2010

One Afternoon at TTC Kotaraja

At the musholla
At the Lobby
In TTC... Adik is taking a nap in Papu's sleeping bag. Jee is doing her homework....

°• ☆srirejeki ☆ •°

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bu2n's Favourite: She

Title: She
Artist: Elvis Costello Lyrics

She may be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song the summer sings
May be the chill the autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day

She may be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem inside her shell

She who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so crowded and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
But I'll remember till the day I die

She may be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough in many years

Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is she

°• ☆srirejeki ☆ •°
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Kemana perginya doa?

(dari status FB-nya teh Dian)

Jika berharap uang,
yang datang utang

Jika pinta kemudahan,
yang ada kesulitan

Jika doakan kesehatan,
yang hampiri penyakit

Jangan kau tanya mengapa Tuhan tak kabulkan doa

Jangan kau paksa kapan Tuhan ijabahkan doa

Jangan kau herani mengapa Tuhan abaikan doa

Tapi tanyakan seperti apa tubuhmu bicara
tanyakan seperti apa hatimu berkata

Apa Subuhmu menjelang dhuha
Apa Dhuhurmu sisa waktu bisnismu
Apa Ashar-magribmu terlalu dekat
Apa Isyamu terkantuk karena mengantuk
Jangan salahkan Tuhan,...

Jika kau kira bisa bebas berbuat dosa
lalu bisa putihkan dengan umroh tiap tahun
Jangan salahkan Tuhan,

Jika ayat suci dijadikan mantera dan jampi
Surat Yusuf agar anak ganteng
Surat Maryam agar anak cantik
Surat Rahman agar banyak rejeki
Entah surat apa agar mudah jodoh
Entah apa lagi agar lancar urusan

Dan jangan salahkan Tuhan,

Jika ayat-ayatNya menjadi isim dan jimat,
kantongi Quran mini kemanapun pergi,
stiker Ayat Kursi di jendela dan atas pintu

Jika titah Tuhan hanya beban
Jika urusan Tuhan hanya dagang

Jangan harapkan kecintaanNya akan datang.

أستغفر الله

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Preliminary Interview: TK Aisyiyah

Super excited!
Hari ini jadwal pengembalian formulir TK Aisyiyah. Jeela ga bisa jawab almost all yg kepseknya tanya hahahahahaa. Silly girl. S'okay baby, you're still our star ☺

Meanwhile, It's the 2nd day of Vuria black out. 1st day was scheduled. 2nd day, today, is a blown out Trafo. Since 2am this morning, still ongoing up till now, 22.00. We checked out a hotel nearby, and it's not that worth it. Driving all the way to Jayapura for Swiss-bel or Aston is not an option, considering Bim2's condition (brebet & nguing). So, we stick to our Vuria home. Alhamdulillah, adik sampe rumah langsung bobo. One down, 3 to go. God, have mercy. Please bring us civilization. Get us electricity.

All in all, kesimpulan: Not the Perfect Day to Pull Out a Molar Tooth T_T

°• ☆srirejeki ☆ •°

SK-nya Oom Yanto

Tonight, over the phone.

BiRina: "Neeeeeng, gimana pegawai barunya? Oke ga?"
Bu2n: "Oke biiii. The best lah dbanding yg kemarin2. Makasi yaa rekomendasinya."
BiRina: "Alhamdulillah. Mudah2an betah deh."
Bu2n: "Amiiiin..."
BiRina: "Jangan kayak bi Rina."
Bu2n: "Emang bi Rina knapa?"
BiRina: "Udah ga betah disini. Udah mau pindah aja."
Bu2n: "Serius? Emang knapa bi? Ada kjadian apa nih?"
BiRina: "SK-nya si Oom udah keluar. 2-3 minggu lagi mesti berangkat ke Banjarmasin."
(Jiaaaaaahhhhhh! Itu mah bukan ga betah Ciiiiiiiiiyyyyinnnn!)

Alhamdulillah. Seneng dengernya. Even though we don't see each other often, it's been a comfort, knowing that our relatives are here, nearby. When they're gone, we're just... how we were before they came along... However that is. That's kinda sad. You know, this whole thing is kinda sad. Being left. Being the longest outsider here. Not that I want us to move. It's just. I can't help that lost feeling. Bi Rina's been my ideal model of a tough stay-at-home mom (who's not my mom). I learn so much from her in such short time. Darn. Go tears, go. You're blocking my screen.

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