
Friday, December 31, 2010

@MOPAH Airport Merauke

Waiting to board Merpati flight to Jayapura. Bu2n mules terus sebellll :( alhamdulillah anak2 as usual, Giraaaaang! Kami dapet sepatu dan dompet dari kulit buaya disini. Diperuntukkan buat Mayank dan OomAi. Semoga cocok...


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merauke Trip

اَلْحَمْدُلِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَلَمِيْنِ
Sampe ya nak kalian di Merauke. Ngerasain yaaaa bobo disini. Tiga malem cukup ya. Insya Allah tgl 31 kita terbang pulang ke Jayapura... Sekarang kita nonton Final Indonesia vs. Malaysia dulu. Duuuuuhhhhhhh... Jauh gini tetep aja deg2an....


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bumi's 1st Step Potty Training: Passed!

Moms... Grandmas.. Happy Mother's day! 

It's been 17 days of poop-free diaper. Yaaayyyy!!! Yipppeee!!! Congratulations kiddo, I consider you passed that one part of potty training. And it's not without struggle, right B? In your 2 years and 5 months of age it is :D Thank you for a great mother's day gift this year. You're one amazing baby boy with so much energy to express. Never cease to inspire us and really really give the word 'patient' a whole new meaning for us, your sister, papu, and bu2n.

Anyway, I think we can relax a bit, take a deep breath before we start your pee-in-potty training going. Insya Allah ya B. Papu has started teaching you to pee in the potty, and you've done well. Next we learn about keeping your pants dry ;) Everyone can make it. Including you...and me.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tribute to a friend: Tuni

one of the longest personnel resident in Jayapura. 1 year earlier than papu.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Soooo Hard to not Procrastinate


The one thing I hate yet I'd done it again and again and again. I know if, when, I procrastinate, everything will fall apart. My schedule, my health, my kids' clean laundry, meals... Ugh! So much at stakes. Sometimes I wish I don't have so many things depend only on my two hands. No. That would be complaining. I'll just fight my sleepy eyes and aching bones, and end this procrastinating. Once and for all!

"Go mommy go, mommy go!" Like my fans always say >̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴͡


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Swimming Time

Spesial buat Mayaz.... thanks for the silly socks and the dvds!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jajaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Someone Misses You!

We miss you Jaja!!!
Where are you?
Your brother bear here wants to drink your cold choccolate...


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our Girl: Shavenly Cute

Less hair doesn't make her less pretty. You are perfect baby...
