
Friday, February 22, 2008

4 D

Patient: Sri Rejeki, DOB 04.08.1979

Maternal age: 28 years

Obstetric History: Gravida: 2, Para: 1. Mode of last delivery: normal.

Last period: 02.10.2007
EDD by ultrasound: 07.07.2008 (EDD by LMP: 08.07.2008).
Gestational age: 20 weeks + 4 days (Gestational age by dates: 20 W + 3 D)

Anomaly Scan:
Transabdominal US with Voluson 730 Expert. Ultrasound view: good.

Fetal Measurements
Heart action present; fetal movements active; cephalic; amniotic fluid: normal; Cord: 3 vessels.
Placenta: posterior low, Grannum Grade 0.

Fetal anatomy:
The following were well visualized and appear normal:
head, brain, face, spine, neck and skin, chest, four-chamber view and great vessels, abdominal wall, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and bladder, extremities, skeleton

Summary of ultrasound findings: No obvious signs of fetal anomaly were observed
Estimated Fetal Length: 23-24 cm

It's a boy !

Operator: Dr. med. Dario Turk, SpOG, Fetal Medicine Foundation Certified

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Akhirnya... Hari ini J jadi juga ke 'sekolah'. Judulnya aja sih sekolah, tapi Bu2n prefers the term 'main-main'. Soalnya emang isinya main2 & juga ga tega anak umuran segitu mesti sekolah hehe...

Anyway, kami sampe di Gymboree Citos jam 10. Begitu liat teman2 sejawat n mainan2 yg ada disitu, Jeela langsung aja minta main. Tapi ternyata jadwal Jeela bukan yg jam 10, tapi jam 11.15. Wah, bete deh si Jeela pas dibawa pergi dari situ. Alhamdulillah ga sampe nangis. Sama bu2nnya, Jeela dibawa ke Aksara bookstore dulu. Lumayan ada 1 jam Jeela mencet2 buku2 yg bunyi2 itu. Pas jam 11 kami jalan deh balik ke Gymbo.

As expected, Jeela was very very excited main2 kesana kemari, exploring every corner. Jeela udah bisa perosotan, dan hampir sempurna loncatnya. Kadang kakinya masih rada ribet juga hehe. Satu lagi favoritnya, masukin bola ke keranjang. Duuh, pokoknya heboh, sampe Bu2n yg gendut ngos2an ngikutinnya. It's still quite difficult though keeping her in the circle with her peers and instructors. I have to keep in mind to find reference about this.

Anyway anyhow, after class, she fell asleep in my arms. I bought her cheese balls just in case she wants snack on the way, but she didn't wake up until we got home.

Fiuh... Menyenangkan skali. And tiring too :) looking fwd to take her to another class. Another day.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Namanya: Pantai Amai

Today we're going to Pantai Amai. 3-hour drive from Kotaraja, or TTC, Papu's office, to be exact, it's located in Depapre District, west of jayapura. We planned to start at 8am, but ended up going at 10.30am. Sigh. As expected.

There were about 8 families with children ranging from 8 months to 4 years of old. So, it's a quite merry family gathering. Not to mention a bunch of other guys and ladies who are single. Quite a lot.