There were about 8 families with children ranging from 8 months to 4 years of old. So, it's a quite merry family gathering. Not to mention a bunch of other guys and ladies who are single. Quite a lot.
About the journey. Yes, it's a long journey, with its twists and turns around hills, mountains, rivers, and jungles. (Sounds like Diego and Dora) Narrow roadway, and rocky country road. In short, it's not recommended to those who expect leisure and a relaxed smooth drive. Seriously, the government should've done something about the access road if they are interested at all in keeping people interested in visiting. It's definitely NOT recommended for expecting mom, holding baby on the lap and feeding her with her lunch. Yay! Thank God we were loaded with food and drinks, we can munch our way there. No puke, not one, another blessings :)
Anyway, it turned out that the destination isn't the beach at all, but the river close to it. So right where Pantai Amai is ending, it's like the end of the sea water and the start of a river or the other way round. It's not sea water there if you tate it, but fresh water. Hmmm... This is the first time I've been to a meeting of salt and fresh water. Subhanallah. Maybe Papu had seen it before, but it's first time for Bu2n. And Jeela of course. But she didn't seem to be interested in the water at all. No, not today folks. She cried even before she got in the water. She wouldn't even want to feel the water. :) Smart one. I would've cried too if somebody forced me into the water. Thank God no one did :)) Almost everybody, and all the children got into the water. except for Jeela hehe. Even the 8-month baby!
Tired and tired and tired is erased by the beautiful nature and the photos that go after. And seeing everyone so excited and happy about getting in the fresh water and barbecueing. Surely a walk to remember. And that's a wrap!
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