Waiting to board Merpati flight to Jayapura. Bu2n mules terus sebellll :( alhamdulillah anak2 as usual, Giraaaaang! Kami dapet sepatu dan dompet dari kulit buaya disini. Diperuntukkan buat Mayank dan OomAi. Semoga cocok...
On Love, Kids, Early Education, Travels, Food, Living and Loving Life. Basketball! Almost forgot there...
1st time
guest writer
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Merauke Trip
اَلْحَمْدُلِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَلَمِيْنِ
Sampe ya nak kalian di Merauke. Ngerasain yaaaa bobo disini. Tiga malem cukup ya. Insya Allah tgl 31 kita terbang pulang ke Jayapura... Sekarang kita nonton Final Indonesia vs. Malaysia dulu. Duuuuuhhhhhhh... Jauh gini tetep aja deg2an....
Sampe ya nak kalian di Merauke. Ngerasain yaaaa bobo disini. Tiga malem cukup ya. Insya Allah tgl 31 kita terbang pulang ke Jayapura... Sekarang kita nonton Final Indonesia vs. Malaysia dulu. Duuuuuhhhhhhh... Jauh gini tetep aja deg2an....
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Bumi's 1st Step Potty Training: Passed!
Moms... Grandmas.. Happy Mother's day!
It's been 17 days of poop-free diaper. Yaaayyyy!!! Yipppeee!!! Congratulations kiddo, I consider you passed that one part of potty training. And it's not without struggle, right B? In your 2 years and 5 months of age it is :D Thank you for a great mother's day gift this year. You're one amazing baby boy with so much energy to express. Never cease to inspire us and really really give the word 'patient' a whole new meaning for us, your sister, papu, and bu2n.
Anyway, I think we can relax a bit, take a deep breath before we start your pee-in-potty training going. Insya Allah ya B. Papu has started teaching you to pee in the potty, and you've done well. Next we learn about keeping your pants dry ;) Everyone can make it. Including you...and me.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tribute to a friend: Tuni
one of the longest personnel resident in Jayapura. 1 year earlier than papu.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Soooo Hard to not Procrastinate
The one thing I hate yet I'd done it again and again and again. I know if, when, I procrastinate, everything will fall apart. My schedule, my health, my kids' clean laundry, meals... Ugh! So much at stakes. Sometimes I wish I don't have so many things depend only on my two hands. No. That would be complaining. I'll just fight my sleepy eyes and aching bones, and end this procrastinating. Once and for all!
"Go mommy go, mommy go!" Like my fans always say >̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴͡
The one thing I hate yet I'd done it again and again and again. I know if, when, I procrastinate, everything will fall apart. My schedule, my health, my kids' clean laundry, meals... Ugh! So much at stakes. Sometimes I wish I don't have so many things depend only on my two hands. No. That would be complaining. I'll just fight my sleepy eyes and aching bones, and end this procrastinating. Once and for all!
"Go mommy go, mommy go!" Like my fans always say >̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴͡
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Jajaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Someone Misses You!
We miss you Jaja!!!
Where are you?
Your brother bear here wants to drink your cold choccolate...
Where are you?
Your brother bear here wants to drink your cold choccolate...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Satu Episode Demam: Selesai (إن شاء الله)
Kejadian pertama, Najeela luka jarinya, terkena kaca pigura. Disambung dengan demam tinggi berkepanjangan setiap sore hingga malam hari. Sejak itu hari-hari rasanya tidak lagi normal. Bersih-bersih rumah, masak, sampai personal hygiene jadi nomor kesekian. Anak, anak, anak, anak.... Riweuh berat rasanya. Padahal cuma bertiga, harusnya bisa santai. Tapi memang dari dulu, kalau sudah menyangkut demam tinggi, tidak ada kata 'santai'. Mau curcol di FB, ga sempet. Mau update blog skalian cry for help, ga kepikiran. Gak biasa sih mengumbar kesusahan sebelum lewat kesusahan itu. Padahal bb online, Dell online, setiap saat. Sekedar menenangkan dan mengingatkan. The world was not just this sick room. Anyway, obat datang diantar teman kami, Oom Andi baso. Dari mamanya Rafif, Dhiera, yang kerja di depo farmasi puskesmas kotaraja. الحمد لله Blessed be.
Anak2, kalau kalian baca ini, ingat ya... Papu kamu yang nyelametin kamu sampe Bu2n ga bisa cakar kamu-kamu berdua. Kalo ga ada Papu, tancep kuku sana sini, sampe kalian lupa kalo lagi demam. Jadi jangan suka sok2 sell expensive kamu kalo mau disikep sama papu.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Why oh why
UFO unknown origin of fever
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Friday, October 22, 2010
Adik dan Perabotannya
Ada apa dengan adik malam ini. Standby dengan topi pooh dan senternya. Sampai akhirnya ketiduran di kasur bawah, tetap tidak mau jauh dari perabotannya... "̮ Bu2n's enternainer, Jee's torturer for the nite "̮
We miss Papu a lot...
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We miss Papu a lot...
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
After changing the wound dressing
This is how Jeela looked after Bu2n finished cleaning and dressing her wound. She was hysterical when Bu2n took off the old dressing, which was sticky and stuck to the wounded skin. Almost took off the skin (again). Ooops!
Thanks to the NaCl we have for the nebulizer. Bu2n used 1 for cleaning up the wound. Hope it's adequate. The wound closing looked good, on its place. But it's definitely swelling. No pus in appearance, but that doesn't mean there wasn't. Since Jee is quite feverish. Antibiotics pending, waiting for obvious indication. Analgetics used is paracetamol.
Get well soon baby...
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Thanks to the NaCl we have for the nebulizer. Bu2n used 1 for cleaning up the wound. Hope it's adequate. The wound closing looked good, on its place. But it's definitely swelling. No pus in appearance, but that doesn't mean there wasn't. Since Jee is quite feverish. Antibiotics pending, waiting for obvious indication. Analgetics used is paracetamol.
Get well soon baby...
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tadi sore Jeela ikut kegiatan mewarnai di lap. Parkir mal Abepura. She was so excited. We all were. Our little brave girl. When did you get this big, baby ^_^
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Monday, August 16, 2010
Romadhon 6th
If one can complain in this holy month, it's how much our boy depends on his disposable diapers. It's heart-breaking, and temper-testing (╥﹏╥) he seems to be confused about how he has to pee standing up while do number two sitting down on the potty. Sometimes he pees squatting like his sister. Looks so mixed up. Not to mention how he has to squat in a public toilet that doesn't provide a sitting toilet. Oh oh ohhhhhhh.... Soooo much more difficult to toilet train this boy is.
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Romadhon 5th
الحمد لله Jeela masih puasa
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Saturday, August 14, 2010
Romadhon 4th
Everybody is on the edge today.
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Friday, August 13, 2010
Hari ke-3 Ramadhon
Baru deh terasa lemesnya :p
Nekat mau bikin puding, makaroni schotel, blackforest & es buah. Sambil nyiapin buka puasanya Jeela, nyuapin anak2 & nyiapin siomay buat festival Ramadhan. Salah satu hasilnya: makaroni schotel dgn keju "Go Song" hahahahahahha... Ya sudahlah...
Happy birthday ya Nak...
When you look back later in your life. Remember how Papu & Bu2n made the best of what was left. You will understand that in life there is "ups" and "downs" and this part is our "down". Time where cash is hardly there and bank account is merely an account. There are pressures. Forces that kept us from standing on our own feet. But that is not the point. Know, that We're gonna make you happy no matter what. Even if it's only to take you to the supermarket so you can dance, and twirl to the silly remix music you and your baby boy liked so much. Even if it means we have to turn down your every request of ice cream with "we don't bring cash". Understand, that it was never any hesitation on how to make you happy. Because you are so easily loved. And so easily amused. In your 4 years with us... You've taught us a lot. So we believe, if ever you have your "downs"... The 4-year-you will teach you something. Remember the time you danced and twirled to that free supermarket music. Remember that even if you cannot have that ice cream you yearned so much, you still have your twirl. Find that free twirl that made you laugh heartily. Don't let the things you cannot have blind you and hide the things that can make you happy. Remember that 4-year-old with her silly brother danced and laughed. Remember that the pressure is not the point. The point is how you react to it. And so far, you, my girl, excels! With flying colours.
Happy Birthday Girl...
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Nekat mau bikin puding, makaroni schotel, blackforest & es buah. Sambil nyiapin buka puasanya Jeela, nyuapin anak2 & nyiapin siomay buat festival Ramadhan. Salah satu hasilnya: makaroni schotel dgn keju "Go Song" hahahahahahha... Ya sudahlah...
Happy birthday ya Nak...
When you look back later in your life. Remember how Papu & Bu2n made the best of what was left. You will understand that in life there is "ups" and "downs" and this part is our "down". Time where cash is hardly there and bank account is merely an account. There are pressures. Forces that kept us from standing on our own feet. But that is not the point. Know, that We're gonna make you happy no matter what. Even if it's only to take you to the supermarket so you can dance, and twirl to the silly remix music you and your baby boy liked so much. Even if it means we have to turn down your every request of ice cream with "we don't bring cash". Understand, that it was never any hesitation on how to make you happy. Because you are so easily loved. And so easily amused. In your 4 years with us... You've taught us a lot. So we believe, if ever you have your "downs"... The 4-year-you will teach you something. Remember the time you danced and twirled to that free supermarket music. Remember that even if you cannot have that ice cream you yearned so much, you still have your twirl. Find that free twirl that made you laugh heartily. Don't let the things you cannot have blind you and hide the things that can make you happy. Remember that 4-year-old with her silly brother danced and laughed. Remember that the pressure is not the point. The point is how you react to it. And so far, you, my girl, excels! With flying colours.
Happy Birthday Girl...
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Romadhon 1st
اَلْحَمْدُلِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَلَمِيْنِ
Terima Kasih ya 4ώǐ... Hari ini pertama kali Najeela puasa sampai Dzuhur. Pertama kali Bumi puasa sampai jam 10 pagi. Pertama kali kami ikutan acara Bazaar Tajil di bawah bendera Siomay Abah. Senaaaaaaaang, Capeeeeeeekkkkk...
Time for bed. Another hectic day awaits. May 4ώǐ keep us safe, أمين يا رب العالمين aamiin ya robbal'aalamiin.
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Terima Kasih ya 4ώǐ... Hari ini pertama kali Najeela puasa sampai Dzuhur. Pertama kali Bumi puasa sampai jam 10 pagi. Pertama kali kami ikutan acara Bazaar Tajil di bawah bendera Siomay Abah. Senaaaaaaaang, Capeeeeeeekkkkk...
Time for bed. Another hectic day awaits. May 4ώǐ keep us safe, أمين يا رب العالمين aamiin ya robbal'aalamiin.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010
Building Character (a note)
"Men of genius are admired. Men of wealth are envied. Men of power are feared. But only men of character are trusted." -Friedman
Building character in children
Character building for children isn't a course offered in school, but it should be. Here are suggestions for character building ideas.
Character-building themes for kids and others: it sounds simple. Schools should teach character-building. Unfortunately many school districts do not consider this an important subject. However, the trend is changing. Parent and civic groups have urged school groups to include character-building in the curriculum.
Parents and teachers need to take time to build character in kids, and in themselves. Here are eight character building ideas to discuss at home, at school, at community groups, and churches, to build better character for a better America.
Respect: What does this mean? It is to show regard for the worth of someone else as well as yourself. If you don't respect yourself you can't respect others. So respect starts with yourself and in taking pride in your achievements and your potential. It also fosters self-control of your actions and emotions so as not to hurt other people's feelings.

Respect also should be shown to people in positions of responsibility and authority such as parents, teachers, ministers, librarian, police and firefighters. Along with that should be an appreciation for the importance of the effort these people made to become authority figures. They have had to go through years of training in school and through internship before joining the ranks.
The final element of respect is to be punctual. When you have an appointment or tell someone you will meet them at a certain time, be prompt.
Open the discussion on respect with questions rather than answers. For example:
How does wearing clean clothes to school show respect for yourself and your school?
When you are with your friends do you listen to their opinion? Do you go along with them because you are agree or because you want to be liked? How does this affect your sense of self-respect?
In school, how can you show respect for your teacher? Would you consider it respectful to talk in class during a lesson? Would you ever call your teacher by his or her first name?
If you pass a police officer on the street what should you do? Would you greet the officer in a friendly manner? Would you call the officer a name and run off?
How can you show respect in the library? Do you think it is right to fool around in the library or make unnecessary noise? How would you show respect to the librarian? Would you address her by calling "Hey you?"
The library is also a place with valuable books used for entertainment and research. How do you show respect for books in a library? If you take books off the shelf who should return them? You or the librarian?
The questions might seem simply but if children are taught the proper way to act, they won't know what is right.
Respect starts in the home and goes both ways, from parent to child and child to parent. How can a parent show respect to a child? What if a child asks a simple question? Should the parent recognize the child doesn't know the answer and help him or her or tell the child to shut up?
Respect also goes both ways in school. As a former teacher I respected my students. I listened to their concerns and found ways to help them whether it was a social problem or an education problem. I did not take their fears as silly and childish. To the children their fears are very real.
Go through other examples of how to show respect. Discuss ways to improve attitudes towards authority figures and why that is important.
Character building won't take a day or a week or a month. It is something which should be continued throughout the child's life. There are times children will come home from school with problems with the teacher, or other students. Through character building discussions you can explore positive ways of dealing with problem people.
In the end you, your family, your children, and our entire society will benefit. The more we respect others, the more we are respected.
Written by Beatrice Sheftel - © 2002 Pagewise
Building character in children
Character building for children isn't a course offered in school, but it should be. Here are suggestions for character building ideas.
Character-building themes for kids and others: it sounds simple. Schools should teach character-building. Unfortunately many school districts do not consider this an important subject. However, the trend is changing. Parent and civic groups have urged school groups to include character-building in the curriculum.
Parents and teachers need to take time to build character in kids, and in themselves. Here are eight character building ideas to discuss at home, at school, at community groups, and churches, to build better character for a better America.
Respect: What does this mean? It is to show regard for the worth of someone else as well as yourself. If you don't respect yourself you can't respect others. So respect starts with yourself and in taking pride in your achievements and your potential. It also fosters self-control of your actions and emotions so as not to hurt other people's feelings.

Respect also should be shown to people in positions of responsibility and authority such as parents, teachers, ministers, librarian, police and firefighters. Along with that should be an appreciation for the importance of the effort these people made to become authority figures. They have had to go through years of training in school and through internship before joining the ranks.
The final element of respect is to be punctual. When you have an appointment or tell someone you will meet them at a certain time, be prompt.
Open the discussion on respect with questions rather than answers. For example:
How does wearing clean clothes to school show respect for yourself and your school?
When you are with your friends do you listen to their opinion? Do you go along with them because you are agree or because you want to be liked? How does this affect your sense of self-respect?
In school, how can you show respect for your teacher? Would you consider it respectful to talk in class during a lesson? Would you ever call your teacher by his or her first name?
If you pass a police officer on the street what should you do? Would you greet the officer in a friendly manner? Would you call the officer a name and run off?
How can you show respect in the library? Do you think it is right to fool around in the library or make unnecessary noise? How would you show respect to the librarian? Would you address her by calling "Hey you?"
The library is also a place with valuable books used for entertainment and research. How do you show respect for books in a library? If you take books off the shelf who should return them? You or the librarian?
The questions might seem simply but if children are taught the proper way to act, they won't know what is right.
Respect starts in the home and goes both ways, from parent to child and child to parent. How can a parent show respect to a child? What if a child asks a simple question? Should the parent recognize the child doesn't know the answer and help him or her or tell the child to shut up?
Respect also goes both ways in school. As a former teacher I respected my students. I listened to their concerns and found ways to help them whether it was a social problem or an education problem. I did not take their fears as silly and childish. To the children their fears are very real.
Go through other examples of how to show respect. Discuss ways to improve attitudes towards authority figures and why that is important.
Character building won't take a day or a week or a month. It is something which should be continued throughout the child's life. There are times children will come home from school with problems with the teacher, or other students. Through character building discussions you can explore positive ways of dealing with problem people.
In the end you, your family, your children, and our entire society will benefit. The more we respect others, the more we are respected.
Written by Beatrice Sheftel - © 2002 Pagewise
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Bumi 2nd Milad
(More than words can say
But try as I might)
Today, 2 years ago
We 1st met you
Touched you
At 1st sight, at 1st touch
I fell in love ♡ with you
Your daddy adored you instantly
Your sister...
Well, she's kinda freakin' out :D
Today, here and now
I'm in love with you
Your daddy couldn't stop wondering where you got your adorable looks
Your sister..
Well, she's always there for you
Whether to open a door for you
Or just to find your tumbler
She's there...
Just want you to know that
Love grows
And someday
You'll be there for her too...
And if it's not too much to ask from a 2-year-old,
You'll take care of her
Like she does to you right now
You are the best gift 4ώǐ sent me,
Sent him, sent her...
Not ours, yet still the best...
More than words can say kiddo
More than words can say...
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But try as I might)
Today, 2 years ago
We 1st met you
Touched you
At 1st sight, at 1st touch
I fell in love ♡ with you
Your daddy adored you instantly
Your sister...
Well, she's kinda freakin' out :D
Today, here and now
I'm in love with you
Your daddy couldn't stop wondering where you got your adorable looks
Your sister..
Well, she's always there for you
Whether to open a door for you
Or just to find your tumbler
She's there...
Just want you to know that
Love grows
And someday
You'll be there for her too...
And if it's not too much to ask from a 2-year-old,
You'll take care of her
Like she does to you right now
You are the best gift 4ώǐ sent me,
Sent him, sent her...
Not ours, yet still the best...
More than words can say kiddo
More than words can say...
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Thursday, June 24, 2010
TK Aisyiyah 07.30-11.00
Insya 4ώǐ ya Najeela bisa main, berteman, bisa belajar bersosialisasi, bisa belajar membawa diri disini. Enjoy ya nak. Masalah belajar mah di Rumah aja. This is one of our way to show you how the real world is gonna be. Semuanya hanya untukmu mengenal Penciptamu dengan lebih baik. Untuk lebih dekat dengan YaNg menitipkanmu kepada Bu2n & Papu.
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Ya 4ώǐ... Hanya kepada-Mu kami serahkan Titipan-Mu. Hanya kepada-Mu.
It's gonna be fun baby :)
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بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Ya 4ώǐ... Hanya kepada-Mu kami serahkan Titipan-Mu. Hanya kepada-Mu.
It's gonna be fun baby :)
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Yang Ngamuk di Tempat Les
Hari ini adik ngamuk. Tumbeeeeeen. Biasanya nggak pernah protes kalo dibawa keluar dari kelas lesnya mbak Jee. Hihihihihihi semuaaaaaaaa nengok deh ngeliat siapa yg bikin rusuh sore ini. Alhamdulillah sampe mobil bisa tenang, bisa diajak ngomong. Tentunya setelah Bu2n pura2 nangis heheheheheee....
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Monday, June 7, 2010
One Afternoon at TTC Kotaraja
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Bu2n's Favourite: She
Title: She
Artist: Elvis Costello Lyrics
She may be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song the summer sings
May be the chill the autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day
She may be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem inside her shell
She who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so crowded and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
But I'll remember till the day I die
She may be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough in many years
Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is she
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Artist: Elvis Costello Lyrics
She may be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song the summer sings
May be the chill the autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day
She may be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem inside her shell
She who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so crowded and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
But I'll remember till the day I die
She may be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough in many years
Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is she
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Kemana perginya doa?
(dari status FB-nya teh Dian)
Jika berharap uang,
yang datang utang
Jika pinta kemudahan,
yang ada kesulitan
Jika doakan kesehatan,
yang hampiri penyakit
Jangan kau tanya mengapa Tuhan tak kabulkan doa
Jangan kau paksa kapan Tuhan ijabahkan doa
Jangan kau herani mengapa Tuhan abaikan doa
Tapi tanyakan seperti apa tubuhmu bicara
tanyakan seperti apa hatimu berkata
Apa Subuhmu menjelang dhuha
Apa Dhuhurmu sisa waktu bisnismu
Apa Ashar-magribmu terlalu dekat
Apa Isyamu terkantuk karena mengantuk
Jangan salahkan Tuhan,...
Jika kau kira bisa bebas berbuat dosa
lalu bisa putihkan dengan umroh tiap tahun
Jangan salahkan Tuhan,
Jika ayat suci dijadikan mantera dan jampi
Surat Yusuf agar anak ganteng
Surat Maryam agar anak cantik
Surat Rahman agar banyak rejeki
Entah surat apa agar mudah jodoh
Entah apa lagi agar lancar urusan
Dan jangan salahkan Tuhan,
Jika ayat-ayatNya menjadi isim dan jimat,
kantongi Quran mini kemanapun pergi,
stiker Ayat Kursi di jendela dan atas pintu
Jika titah Tuhan hanya beban
Jika urusan Tuhan hanya dagang
Jangan harapkan kecintaanNya akan datang.
أستغفر الله
Jika berharap uang,
yang datang utang
Jika pinta kemudahan,
yang ada kesulitan
Jika doakan kesehatan,
yang hampiri penyakit
Jangan kau tanya mengapa Tuhan tak kabulkan doa
Jangan kau paksa kapan Tuhan ijabahkan doa
Jangan kau herani mengapa Tuhan abaikan doa
Tapi tanyakan seperti apa tubuhmu bicara
tanyakan seperti apa hatimu berkata
Apa Subuhmu menjelang dhuha
Apa Dhuhurmu sisa waktu bisnismu
Apa Ashar-magribmu terlalu dekat
Apa Isyamu terkantuk karena mengantuk
Jangan salahkan Tuhan,...
Jika kau kira bisa bebas berbuat dosa
lalu bisa putihkan dengan umroh tiap tahun
Jangan salahkan Tuhan,
Jika ayat suci dijadikan mantera dan jampi
Surat Yusuf agar anak ganteng
Surat Maryam agar anak cantik
Surat Rahman agar banyak rejeki
Entah surat apa agar mudah jodoh
Entah apa lagi agar lancar urusan
Dan jangan salahkan Tuhan,
Jika ayat-ayatNya menjadi isim dan jimat,
kantongi Quran mini kemanapun pergi,
stiker Ayat Kursi di jendela dan atas pintu
Jika titah Tuhan hanya beban
Jika urusan Tuhan hanya dagang
Jangan harapkan kecintaanNya akan datang.
أستغفر الله
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Preliminary Interview: TK Aisyiyah
Super excited! |
Meanwhile, It's the 2nd day of Vuria black out. 1st day was scheduled. 2nd day, today, is a blown out Trafo. Since 2am this morning, still ongoing up till now, 22.00. We checked out a hotel nearby, and it's not that worth it. Driving all the way to Jayapura for Swiss-bel or Aston is not an option, considering Bim2's condition (brebet & nguing). So, we stick to our Vuria home. Alhamdulillah, adik sampe rumah langsung bobo. One down, 3 to go. God, have mercy. Please bring us civilization. Get us electricity.
All in all, kesimpulan: Not the Perfect Day to Pull Out a Molar Tooth T_T
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SK-nya Oom Yanto
Tonight, over the phone.
BiRina: "Neeeeeng, gimana pegawai barunya? Oke ga?"
Bu2n: "Oke biiii. The best lah dbanding yg kemarin2. Makasi yaa rekomendasinya."
BiRina: "Alhamdulillah. Mudah2an betah deh."
Bu2n: "Amiiiin..."
BiRina: "Jangan kayak bi Rina."
Bu2n: "Emang bi Rina knapa?"
BiRina: "Udah ga betah disini. Udah mau pindah aja."
Bu2n: "Serius? Emang knapa bi? Ada kjadian apa nih?"
BiRina: "SK-nya si Oom udah keluar. 2-3 minggu lagi mesti berangkat ke Banjarmasin."
(Jiaaaaaahhhhhh! Itu mah bukan ga betah Ciiiiiiiiiyyyyinnnn!)
Alhamdulillah. Seneng dengernya. Even though we don't see each other often, it's been a comfort, knowing that our relatives are here, nearby. When they're gone, we're just... how we were before they came along... However that is. That's kinda sad. You know, this whole thing is kinda sad. Being left. Being the longest outsider here. Not that I want us to move. It's just. I can't help that lost feeling. Bi Rina's been my ideal model of a tough stay-at-home mom (who's not my mom). I learn so much from her in such short time. Darn. Go tears, go. You're blocking my screen.
°• ☆srirejeki ☆ •°
BiRina: "Neeeeeng, gimana pegawai barunya? Oke ga?"
Bu2n: "Oke biiii. The best lah dbanding yg kemarin2. Makasi yaa rekomendasinya."
BiRina: "Alhamdulillah. Mudah2an betah deh."
Bu2n: "Amiiiin..."
BiRina: "Jangan kayak bi Rina."
Bu2n: "Emang bi Rina knapa?"
BiRina: "Udah ga betah disini. Udah mau pindah aja."
Bu2n: "Serius? Emang knapa bi? Ada kjadian apa nih?"
BiRina: "SK-nya si Oom udah keluar. 2-3 minggu lagi mesti berangkat ke Banjarmasin."
(Jiaaaaaahhhhhh! Itu mah bukan ga betah Ciiiiiiiiiyyyyinnnn!)
Alhamdulillah. Seneng dengernya. Even though we don't see each other often, it's been a comfort, knowing that our relatives are here, nearby. When they're gone, we're just... how we were before they came along... However that is. That's kinda sad. You know, this whole thing is kinda sad. Being left. Being the longest outsider here. Not that I want us to move. It's just. I can't help that lost feeling. Bi Rina's been my ideal model of a tough stay-at-home mom (who's not my mom). I learn so much from her in such short time. Darn. Go tears, go. You're blocking my screen.
°• ☆srirejeki ☆ •°
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Papu on an Excavator
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
Bu2n : "Pu, Look! That's you on the whiteboard!"
J : "Yes, Pu. That's you."
Papu: "Oh really?! What am I doing? Am I playing basketball?"
Bu2n: "No, Pu. You're not. You're riding something."
J: "Yes, Pu. You're riding an EXCAVATOR!!"
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
♩Excavator Makes Some Tracks ♪DIG it! ♬DIG it! ♭-Boogiebeebies-
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Bu2n : "Pu, Look! That's you on the whiteboard!"
J : "Yes, Pu. That's you."
Papu: "Oh really?! What am I doing? Am I playing basketball?"
Bu2n: "No, Pu. You're not. You're riding something."
J: "Yes, Pu. You're riding an EXCAVATOR!!"
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
♩Excavator Makes Some Tracks ♪DIG it! ♬DIG it! ♭-Boogiebeebies-
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hari ini Ultah Telkomsel
Kami otw Grapari Jayapura, anter Papu. Sebelumnya, mau jemput Jeela dulu di sekolah. Bu2n pake batik dari eyang Heni, Bumi pake Batik dari Mayank ☺ terima kasih eyang-eyang tercintaaa. Papu bilang, "Nanti beli batik Papua seragaman ya sekeluarga". Okedeeeeeeehhhhhh pace papuuu ♡
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
AC Spare Parts for Bim2
Alhamdulillah, it's here. Thanks ya yangnin, yangkung and the spare parts guy from Jl. H. Nawi, Fatmawati :D
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Friday, May 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Bumi: Lepas Sepatu dan Kaos Kaki
اَلْحَمْدُلِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَلَمِيْنِ
Adik sudah lancar buka sepatu dan kaos kaki sendiri. Sebenarnya sudah 1 bulan ini. Tapi biasanya masih harus dibantu. Senangnya ☺ sebentar lagi bisa pakai sendiri ya nak ☺
°• ☆srirejeki ☆ •°
Adik sudah lancar buka sepatu dan kaos kaki sendiri. Sebenarnya sudah 1 bulan ini. Tapi biasanya masih harus dibantu. Senangnya ☺ sebentar lagi bisa pakai sendiri ya nak ☺
°• ☆srirejeki ☆ •°
Friday, May 14, 2010
Ya Ampuuuuuunnn: Totally Uncivilized
Mereka suka bergulat begini. Tanpa lihat waktu atau tempat. Ini waktu nunggu Bu2n antri untuk ketemu CS Bank Mandiri. Soooo annoying. This isn't civilized. Yet so cute :D
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
You are Not Ours
Sometimes we're driving you
Most times we're ordering you
Less times we let you do what you want
And other times we're simply lost
Don't know what to do...
But whatever we decide to do
That's what we think is best for you
Even if it doesn't seem to be...
We ♥ you...
Even tho you're not ours.
-- j Q --
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
S C S ; Sentani City Square
Monday, March 22, 2010
Paket dari Manokwari Datang
Adik lagi ngamuk hampir 2 jam waktu pak pos ngetok2. Pake acara buka pintu pula, soale td pas papu berangkat kunci dibawa tp ga dikunci. Untung ada double lock di dalem, jd beliau (kk frank namanya) manggil2 deh dari sela2 pintu. Huffff... Saking kencang ngamuknya, ga ada yg denger sampe di dok2 dok2 tu pintu...
Paket dari Mayank dataaaang :D senangnya! Setelah menanti cukup lama. Paket yg jalan2 ke manokwari 2x itupun tiba juga. (Tau gitu kita nitip abon gulung manokwari deh). Jeela seperti biasa paling semangat deh. Apa lagi di dalemnya full of snacks! Alhamdulillah, terima kasih mayank :) adik pun berenti nangis, ambil 1 snack, ga sampe 1 menit, baru 2 hap, udah teparrrrrrrr.... Adiiiiikkkk ya ampuuun. Kuat banget paru2nya. Alhamdulillah...
-- j Q --
Paket dari Mayank dataaaang :D senangnya! Setelah menanti cukup lama. Paket yg jalan2 ke manokwari 2x itupun tiba juga. (Tau gitu kita nitip abon gulung manokwari deh). Jeela seperti biasa paling semangat deh. Apa lagi di dalemnya full of snacks! Alhamdulillah, terima kasih mayank :) adik pun berenti nangis, ambil 1 snack, ga sampe 1 menit, baru 2 hap, udah teparrrrrrrr.... Adiiiiikkkk ya ampuuun. Kuat banget paru2nya. Alhamdulillah...
-- j Q --
Thursday, March 11, 2010
1st Nap Without ASI
Feeling as guilty as ever, Bu2n and Papu had to be firm on this one. No ASI during the day. After crying and screaming for almost 2 hours non stop, he finally fell asleep. Papu's bobotoh.... InsyaAllah adik Mi bisa jadi lebih mandiri ya sayang... Love you lots.
-- j Q --
-- j Q --
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Capek: A Friend's Farewell Party
Tadi malam ada farewell party Om Ardip di Jayapura, so agendanya: jemput papu di kantor, tutup Kios, terus pulang ganti2 baju dan berangkat lagi ke jayapura. #:-s! Sounds like a long nite.
Baru 5 menit trip, masih di daerah skyland, udah sepi, no sound from the back seat. Hmmm... Mencurigakan. Pas nengok, tadaaa! Posenya udah bgini nih anak dua. So adorable....
Di Dante's Coffee, anak2 ditinggal sebentar di mobil, berdua aja.. Hehehe ga sampe 10 menit tapi deg2annya minta ampun. Sorry kids, om Ardip nih soalnya, jd dibela-belain. Ngga lagi2 deh ^_^
-- j Q --
Baru 5 menit trip, masih di daerah skyland, udah sepi, no sound from the back seat. Hmmm... Mencurigakan. Pas nengok, tadaaa! Posenya udah bgini nih anak dua. So adorable....
Di Dante's Coffee, anak2 ditinggal sebentar di mobil, berdua aja.. Hehehe ga sampe 10 menit tapi deg2annya minta ampun. Sorry kids, om Ardip nih soalnya, jd dibela-belain. Ngga lagi2 deh ^_^
-- j Q --
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Almost Crushed: A Tragedy feat. Najeela
Hari ini, sehabis buka puasa, Jeela, Bumi dan Bu2n nemenin Papu main Futsal di Lapangan Futsal PTC. Ada Audrey dan Aileen! Jeela was super excited! Main lari2an kian kemari di Lapangan Parkir PTC, diikuti Bumi. Dan Bu2n, yang bertugas menggembala ketiga crewcils yg hyperbouncy itu. Mami Audrey gendong Aileen.
Lapangan parkir futsal PTC luaaaasss ga ada jalur kendaraan bermotor, jd mobil dan motor bebas aja tuh seliweran. Ngikutin 3 crewcils itu bener2 sport jantung. Bukan karena mereka kalo lari ga pake rem, atau karena aspal yg maknyus kalo ketemu dengkul, tapi mobil motor yang bisa nongol dari arah mana-manapun juga, kebanyakan highspeed. 'Ngebut di lapangan parkir? Siapa takut?' Mungkin itu mottonya mereka. Sambil teriak2, berusaha membatasi ruang lari mereka, lari2 lah Bu2n kian kemari. Untung pake backpack. Tapi jadi lewat deh, ga ngeliat Papu scored 2 goals pake spatu import hehehe
Singkat cerita, selesai om2 main futsal, giliran tante2 nih. Jadi kami nonton di pinggir lapangan, dekat tempat parkir motor. Seru tuh nonton para wanita2 itu main futsal. Jeela pun nonton sambil sesekali pegang2an tangan sama Audrey dan adik dorong2 mereka. Udah aja Bu2n ngobrol seru sama mba yanti, ngomongin karpet (d'oh!!! Penting emang). Mata ga lepas dari adik Bum2 yang emang suka liar pergerakannya. Baru 5 menit ngobrol, gatau knapa, pengen aja nengok ke kanan (mami audrey di kiri). Paaaaaaaaaassssss buanget Audrey baru ndorong motor ke arah Jeela. Dan gatau kenapa motornya labil (banget), jatoh aja langsung ke arah Jeela. Jeela yang posisinya ada diantara motor, ga ada waktu menghindar, karena udah rapet posisinya. Jatuh deh Jeela ke arah motor di belakangnya, yang jatuh juga dengan sukses ke aspal parkiran, sementara Bu2n refleks nahan tu motor yang didorong Audrey. Ya Allah ya Robbi, liat matanya Jeela pas kejepit sambil narik setang motor, rasanya cussssss! Ksiaaaannn, tp ga ada tenaga juga buat ngebantuin. Bener2 cuma nahan aja :'( Bodohnya Bu2n ga buang apa yg ada d tangan kiri, malah bertahan nahan tu motor pake 1 tangan. Sempet liat bapak2 sekitar motor disitu, cuma ngeliatin aja.... Hix... Sedih kalo inget itu. Mereka cuma jarak 5 meter dari Jeela, tapi ga ada yg refleksnya lebih cepet dari Papu yg jaraknya 500 meter dari kami.
Duuuuhhhhh ngilu. Ga sanggup ngelanjutin ngetik. Pelajaran sangat sangat berharga buat Bu2n dan Jeela. Ya Allah, terima kasih. Alhamdulillah semua baik2 saja. Alhamdulillah.
Ps. Motornya Honda Tiger kayak punya Yangkung Pasming and Pakdhe Sidoarjo.
Lapangan parkir futsal PTC luaaaasss ga ada jalur kendaraan bermotor, jd mobil dan motor bebas aja tuh seliweran. Ngikutin 3 crewcils itu bener2 sport jantung. Bukan karena mereka kalo lari ga pake rem, atau karena aspal yg maknyus kalo ketemu dengkul, tapi mobil motor yang bisa nongol dari arah mana-manapun juga, kebanyakan highspeed. 'Ngebut di lapangan parkir? Siapa takut?' Mungkin itu mottonya mereka. Sambil teriak2, berusaha membatasi ruang lari mereka, lari2 lah Bu2n kian kemari. Untung pake backpack. Tapi jadi lewat deh, ga ngeliat Papu scored 2 goals pake spatu import hehehe
Singkat cerita, selesai om2 main futsal, giliran tante2 nih. Jadi kami nonton di pinggir lapangan, dekat tempat parkir motor. Seru tuh nonton para wanita2 itu main futsal. Jeela pun nonton sambil sesekali pegang2an tangan sama Audrey dan adik dorong2 mereka. Udah aja Bu2n ngobrol seru sama mba yanti, ngomongin karpet (d'oh!!! Penting emang). Mata ga lepas dari adik Bum2 yang emang suka liar pergerakannya. Baru 5 menit ngobrol, gatau knapa, pengen aja nengok ke kanan (mami audrey di kiri). Paaaaaaaaaassssss buanget Audrey baru ndorong motor ke arah Jeela. Dan gatau kenapa motornya labil (banget), jatoh aja langsung ke arah Jeela. Jeela yang posisinya ada diantara motor, ga ada waktu menghindar, karena udah rapet posisinya. Jatuh deh Jeela ke arah motor di belakangnya, yang jatuh juga dengan sukses ke aspal parkiran, sementara Bu2n refleks nahan tu motor yang didorong Audrey. Ya Allah ya Robbi, liat matanya Jeela pas kejepit sambil narik setang motor, rasanya cussssss! Ksiaaaannn, tp ga ada tenaga juga buat ngebantuin. Bener2 cuma nahan aja :'( Bodohnya Bu2n ga buang apa yg ada d tangan kiri, malah bertahan nahan tu motor pake 1 tangan. Sempet liat bapak2 sekitar motor disitu, cuma ngeliatin aja.... Hix... Sedih kalo inget itu. Mereka cuma jarak 5 meter dari Jeela, tapi ga ada yg refleksnya lebih cepet dari Papu yg jaraknya 500 meter dari kami.
Duuuuhhhhh ngilu. Ga sanggup ngelanjutin ngetik. Pelajaran sangat sangat berharga buat Bu2n dan Jeela. Ya Allah, terima kasih. Alhamdulillah semua baik2 saja. Alhamdulillah.
Ps. Motornya Honda Tiger kayak punya Yangkung Pasming and Pakdhe Sidoarjo.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Seandainya di pinggir Ciliwung bikin makan2 bareng, goreng2 lele gitu. Ada yg dateng ga ya... #delusional
-- j Q --
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Our Newest Member: Mas Fikri
Selamat datang adikbaby sayaaaaaang :) hari ini hari yang sangat bersejarah... keajaiban yang tidak semua hamba-Nya diberi amanah untuk mengalaminya. TitipanNya telah datang ke dunia, keponakan kami, sepupu Jeela dan Bumi. Mudah2an Allah SWT memberi kesempatan kami semua untuk saling bertemu muka, someday. Karena peluk ini, kecup ini, sudah pergi ke sana, mendahului raga kami. ^_^ we love u lots. Selamat ya Pakdhe, Budhe, selamat mengemban amanah yg sangat menyenangkan ini. Selamat mas Fahri, selamat rebutan mama dan ayah hehehehe
-- j Q --
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-- j Q --
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Saturday, January 16, 2010
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