Rajab 5th 1435 H was Bumi's July 8th 2008. His 6th Milad in Islamic Calendar. Alhamdulillah...
Mom and Dad and pretty sister Najeela wish you the very best. May Allah SWT bless you with strength of iman, patience, and brain that goes beyond earthly matter. Amiin.
When asked what he wanted for breaking his fast that day, he'd said spontaneously, "Blueberry Cheese Cake!". And so we'd gone to this bakery and bought a slice. Maghrib came and he put his small fork over the cake. 'Aaaargh!' If ever there was a description for a cheese cake as fluffy-soft-melted, then this particular cake was anything but.
And today, Rajab 16th (12 days after), still early in the morning, came one big Harvest plasic bag containing a carton box and two cans of Cookies Harvest. Super excited, the Spidey Boy looked like this:
Alhamdulillah! Thank You Maniez! |
Ini baru Soft, Fluffy, Melted Cheese Cake, sesuai standard lidah normal ^_^ Enjoy Spidey Boy!