On Love, Kids, Early Education, Travels, Food, Living and Loving Life. Basketball! Almost forgot there...
1st time
guest writer
Monday, December 15, 2008
Happy Idul Adha!
Hehehe... Telat niih :)
Selamat Idul Adha ya sodara-sodara setanah air. Seneng deh Idul Adha di Jayapura kali ini ada tambahan members: Adik Bumi & Mayaz! Asik kan!? Seru lho, pake acara parkir di gereja, and ketinggalan 1 rakaat, sampe ketumpahan teh 1 botol hihihi
Seperti Iedul fitri yg lalu, kami sholat di Lapangan Brimob Cigombong. Katanya sih mulainya jam 6.30, jadi santai aja nih kami cari2 parkir. Berdasarkan pengalaman waktu idul fitri, parkir terlalu jauh dari lapangan, Papu jalan terus, nyari parking space yg sedekat mungkin. Ternyata oh ternyata, penuuh! Akhirnya sama Brimob officersnya kami diarahkan parkir di halaman gereja. Which is alhamdulillah deket banget sama tempat solat. Baru turun dari mobil, keliatan tuh jamaah udah pada bergerak sholat. Waaa! Panik donk. Langsung aja Papu lari duluan. Bu2n pikir, udahlah bu2n, mayaz, Jeela & Bumi gausah buru2. Daripada riweuh bawa 2 anak, ngejar sholat sunat 2 rakaat, ntar malah knapa2 kan repot judulnya. Tapi waktu kami nyebrang jalan, mayaz bilang kalo yg sholat baru rakaat pertama. Waah, semangat lagi nih Bu2n! Sambil gendong adik, sedikit lari2 menuju lapangan rumput. Hup! Pake acara sedikit akrobat ngelompatin got lumayan besar. Dah dapet tempat, bingung. Bu2n gendong adik, Mayaz gandeng Jeela, bawa kunci mobil, n bawa tas mukena, trus, siapa yg gelar2 donk. Hihihi silly banget deh mukanya Mayaz. Sampe nurut bgt pas Bu2n suruh buang2in apa yg lg dipegang tmasuk kunci mobil :p selesai bengong, baru deh Mayaz gelar perlak besar, kasur busa buat adik n sajadah2. Bu2n langsung naro (lempar, red) adik terlentang d kasur, kasi Jeela tempat di sebelah adik & buru2 pake mukena. Dapet tuh paaaas banget pas ruku. Eng ing eeng... Tnyata informasi palsu dari Mayaz! Bukan rakaat pertama, tapi kedua! Fiuh! Nyaris ga sholat kalo bukan krn informasi salah dari Mayaz ~__^
Suksess! Anak2nya Mayaz top abees, gada yg rewel! Pulangnya, kepanasan ceritanya. Minum deh teh kemasan botol yg dibawa dari rumah. Enak banget, maknyuss! Dwingin. Secara, baru keluar dr freezer. Jeela yg duduk di depan ga mau ketinggalan donk pegang 1 botol. Mulai ngeyel. Ga mau ditutupin, maunya tutup sendiri. Yowes. Eeh, pas deket rumah, kayaknya Jeela lupa tuh kalo botolnya blm ditutup. Dibalikinlah si botol. Nyuss! Dingin deh kaki Bu2n n Jeela kesiram teh. Hix, sedih. Mana baju lagi putih2, jd coklat deh. Yah, kenang2an... ^__^
Pulang sholat, pergilah kami ke rumah teman Papu yg open howse. Maklum, di rumah ga masak hihihi. Tengkyu ya tante Maya, om Sahrul n Najla. Coto makasar n es buahnya TOP abeees!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Najeela : Vocabularies (part I)
Pagi buta gini, sambil ga bisa tidur karena sakit gigi, bingung mau ngapain. Nyetrika sambil snat snut kepala n gigi? Cari masalah. Lagian mati lampu juga sih. Kepikiran bikin vocab list Najeela. For the sake of monitoring...
The basics: bobok (sleep), mamam (eat), inyum (minum), pup (poop), pi (pee), cai (cawik: washing up privates), andi (take a bath).
The list goes on: ddah + nnis (udah / finished), tiddakk, no, nanan (jangan), ngis (nangis), lllapph (lap),
food: cis (cheese), yayam (ayam / apapun yg J suka, seperti nugget, kakap goreng tepung, udang, kepiting), susu' (susu), mmay (siomay), epah (apple), nana (banana),
Animals: en (ant), kito (mosquito), lalap (lalat), ket (cat), dog, pig, beah (bear), bird
pingk! (pink), puh (winnie the pooh),... To be continued (low battery!)
The basics: bobok (sleep), mamam (eat), inyum (minum), pup (poop), pi (pee), cai (cawik: washing up privates), andi (take a bath).
The list goes on: ddah + nnis (udah / finished), tiddakk, no, nanan (jangan), ngis (nangis), lllapph (lap),
food: cis (cheese), yayam (ayam / apapun yg J suka, seperti nugget, kakap goreng tepung, udang, kepiting), susu' (susu), mmay (siomay), epah (apple), nana (banana),
Animals: en (ant), kito (mosquito), lalap (lalat), ket (cat), dog, pig, beah (bear), bird
pingk! (pink), puh (winnie the pooh),... To be continued (low battery!)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Di RS Dian Harapan (bagian 2: habis)
Tepat jam 12:05 (tadi jam 11-an Papu ke Lab, kata petugas labnya,"jam 12:05 pak") Papu balik ke Lab. Hasilnya udah ada, on time nih ^__^ Alhamdulillah hasilnya semua normal. Ada petanda infeksi kuman yg mengalami peningkatan, tapi siapa sih manusia yang ga punya kuman di tubuhnya. Apalagi manusianya Bu2n, yg belum mandi dari kemarin hahaha... Well anyway, mudah2an ini karena kecapean aja yah. Kalo kata Papu, kurang mamam yg enyak2 hehehe.
That's why, sebelum pulang, kami mampir Coto Makasar dekat rumah. Yummy!
Alhamdulillah. Udah berasa baikan abis minum paracetamol 500mg & suplemen vitamin E. Kenapa Vit. E? Karena dari tadi malam, ujung-ujung jari kaki & tangan rasanya baal + kesemutan. Bu2n sih soktaunya karena kurang vitamin E aja. Kepala masih berat, mata masih kunang2 & belum kuat angkat adik, jadi sampai rumah langsung bobo siang sama Adik. Jeela nonton 'pusingket' (pussy cat) di laptop. Papu yg urusin Jeela, Bu2n bersih2 adik. Bobo deh enak banget. Mana diluar ujan, gada ojek, beceek.. Asoy... Bangun2 Papu ga ada, Jeela ketiduran di depan laptop. Hmm mungkin ke kantor. Tadi sih Bu2n minta Papu cuti for a day. Tapi jadinya ga cuti kayaknya... Ya iya lah, tadi waktu nunggu hasil lab masih sempet kok ke site baru, deket PLTD Waena situ. Kan itungannya kerja juga ya nggak? *__*
Papu, Jeela, Qyo... Maafin Bu2n ya, semuanya jadi berantakan... Makasih udah anter cek darah, sabar nunggu hasil & kasih Bu2n waktu untuk bedrest TOTAL :) love you all dears...
[papu just called, tadi gorengin J nugget, tapi gosong. Trus diganti french fries yg lebih sukses gorengnya. Hehehe Papu ada2 aja]
That's why, sebelum pulang, kami mampir Coto Makasar dekat rumah. Yummy!
Alhamdulillah. Udah berasa baikan abis minum paracetamol 500mg & suplemen vitamin E. Kenapa Vit. E? Karena dari tadi malam, ujung-ujung jari kaki & tangan rasanya baal + kesemutan. Bu2n sih soktaunya karena kurang vitamin E aja. Kepala masih berat, mata masih kunang2 & belum kuat angkat adik, jadi sampai rumah langsung bobo siang sama Adik. Jeela nonton 'pusingket' (pussy cat) di laptop. Papu yg urusin Jeela, Bu2n bersih2 adik. Bobo deh enak banget. Mana diluar ujan, gada ojek, beceek.. Asoy... Bangun2 Papu ga ada, Jeela ketiduran di depan laptop. Hmm mungkin ke kantor. Tadi sih Bu2n minta Papu cuti for a day. Tapi jadinya ga cuti kayaknya... Ya iya lah, tadi waktu nunggu hasil lab masih sempet kok ke site baru, deket PLTD Waena situ. Kan itungannya kerja juga ya nggak? *__*
Papu, Jeela, Qyo... Maafin Bu2n ya, semuanya jadi berantakan... Makasih udah anter cek darah, sabar nunggu hasil & kasih Bu2n waktu untuk bedrest TOTAL :) love you all dears...
[papu just called, tadi gorengin J nugget, tapi gosong. Trus diganti french fries yg lebih sukses gorengnya. Hehehe Papu ada2 aja]
Di RS Dian Harapan, Waena
Bu2n >>Aaarrgh! Pusing, kepala berat, mata kunang2, meriang, kedinginan, padahal udah ditumpuk selimut 2 lembar. Belum lagi sweater. Tetap kedinginan! Tulang rasanya seperti ditusuk-tusuk, gerak sedikit aja rasanya nyeri semua :( Duh, something wong nih. Langsung ke lab klinik aja, kata Papu. Akhirnya disini nih kami berempat end up. Bu2n pangku Jeela yg lagi kolokan, stay in the car with pak Doni, Trac Driver yg pagi ini ketiban pulung mesti anter rombongan sirkus the Wicaks hehe... Thanks berat ya Pak Doni. Papu & Adik Bumi entah kemana. Tadi sih ngungsi keluar mobil waktu Jeela lagi kumat Lala nya & hampir nendang gundulnya Adik. Pusiing!
Tadi diambil darah jam 10. Katanya keluar hasil dalam 2 jam, berarti sekitar jam 12. Sekarang jam 11:19, masih lamaaaa...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sentani Airport
Ini lagi nungguin binur ngambil tiket. wah, puanaaasss... tapi teuteup... fotofoto! *maklum, masih nyari setting kamera yang passss*
Click Here For More Photos
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bumi's 1st Lebaran
Alhamdulillah it's Bumi's 1st Lebaran. And our 1st Lebaran away from home. Our parents' home. Everything is fine, all's allright :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Masih Mencari
Ceritanya sedang mencari nih blog host yang mudah diakses dengan menggunakan mobilephone. Yup! Just a mobile phone, not a smart one in my case. Tadinya sih pake 9300, yaa... Ga smart2 amat sih, but it works fine with me. But in the last two weeks or so, opera mini stops showing images. Even after uninstalling and reinstalling OM. Hard restart doesnt do any good either. I suspect the OS, dah jadul (soktau mode on). Anyway, I'm back with my not so smart phone here. Much smaller, no OS, thus, no multi-tasking whatsoever.
Ok, back to mencari bloghost. Ceritanya udah punya account di MP, here . Nyoba post blog dari hp. Semua gampang. Dibuka gampang (main page), post blog dalam text ga masalah. Upload imagenya gampang banget. But I don't know why I don't feel so comfy there. Too public. I do blogging especially for families and friends. And thus not that excited to promote the blog ('the blog' here is my li'l fam's blog). Ok, so MP is out.
I have my Facebook account, but big No. Much hassle trying to blog from my pathetic handset.
Next is WP, over here. Close to my liking and preferences. EXCEPT that uploading photos is such a pain, I gave up.
So here I am, back to blogger =D trying to pick up pieces I left the last time I blogged
Ok, back to mencari bloghost. Ceritanya udah punya account di MP, here . Nyoba post blog dari hp. Semua gampang. Dibuka gampang (main page), post blog dalam text ga masalah. Upload imagenya gampang banget. But I don't know why I don't feel so comfy there. Too public. I do blogging especially for families and friends. And thus not that excited to promote the blog ('the blog' here is my li'l fam's blog). Ok, so MP is out.
I have my Facebook account, but big No. Much hassle trying to blog from my pathetic handset.
Next is WP, over here. Close to my liking and preferences. EXCEPT that uploading photos is such a pain, I gave up.
So here I am, back to blogger =D trying to pick up pieces I left the last time I blogged
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Mayank's Birthday
for each tear you cried for me.
If I could give you sapphires
for each truth you’ve helped me see.
If I could give you rubies
for the heartache that you’ve known
If I could give you pearls
for the wisdom that you’ve shown.
Then you’ll have a treasure, mother,
that would mount up to the skies
That would almost match
the sparkle in your kind and loving eyes.
But I have no pearls, no diamonds,
As I’m sure you’re well aware
So I’ll give you gifts more precious
My devotion, love and care.
With all my love
on your birthday
Ceritanya bingung mau kirim apa buat birthdaynya Mayank, selain cucu2nya tentunya ^__^. Terus liat Mba Niken di MP, sang maestro pemahat coklat. Yaudah, pesen deh vw kodok papu beserta papu sekeluarga untuk menghadiri ultah Mayank. Hehehehe.... Secara, Mayank udah punya semuanya ajah, jadi sempet gada ide kami hehehe. Happy Birthday to our dearest Mayank.
Bisa diliat Disini choccolate covered cake-nya. Kalo sitenya mbak niken di wordpress bisa diliat di kolom sebelah kanan, judulnya CoklatChic.Terima Kasih ya mbak Niken atas waktunya :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Yangkung's Birthday
Ulang Tahun Yangkung niiiiihhh.... kami ga bisa dateng. Tapi percaya deeeehhhh... jauh di mata, dekat di hatiiii :) Kue ini pesen di mbak Lyd, ni websitenya D Po & Ly Cake. Thanks alot ya mbak Lydia & Papa Po nya.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Leaving Home for Home
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Nyoba upload foto pake e51. So far: push email ok, web browsing ok, download file ok, upload file ok, attach file ok. File types include .doc, .pdf, .jpg, excel files, zip files, .wav. Tipe lain blm dicoba. Video streaming dr you tube baru oke sampe downloading, not yet detected why it doesnt work with utube. Network reliability's still a possible cause.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
it's exactly one week since the accident
it's corneal laceration caused by metal foreign body. papu was hammering the bedroom wall when a tiny piece of the steel nail got into his eyes. tiny once it's out of the eye. unfortunately, the tiny piece has successfully lacerated papu's left cornea. and more unfortunately, it happened on the beginning of the long weekend, plus monday, second easter holiday in Papua. therefore, all medical centres were closed and we finally saw an ophthalmologist on tuesday, 5 days after.
papu went to the emergency unit at bhayangkara hospital on the day of the accident, but they said they could see nothing there, prescribed antibiotic eye ointment (without showing how to use it) and said all's fine, he could go home. the second day, he could see none but bright and dark. that's when papu sent for us home immediately. i've booked the flight for tuesday 25th then re-booked for saturday the 22nd. never in my mind occured that the eye accident was this serious. fatal mistake.
Jeela and I arrived on monday morning. saw papu's eye and was very worried about the grave condition. infection was clear. even the open corneal wound was clearly visible by naked eyes :( rinsed the sick eye, gave warm compress and rinsed again. that's when the tiny metal piece came out. put it in a tissue as documentation. very unfortunate. stupid emergency room. doesn't even have slit lamp :( if we were in big city, we could sue them for malpractice.
but the past has passed. now we have to preserve what's left. subconjunctival antibiotic injection every other day for 5 times needed to fight the infection. the 1st shot was yesterday. i have no idea how it felt. don't wanna imagine either. papu was trembling and cold sweat was trickling all over his body. thankgod he didn't faint. noone would carry a 92kg weight for no matter how far hehehe. papu said it felt like being circumcized all over again. and i still can't imagine how that feels like. well, anyway, something to be grateful about, today papu's beginning to see some sillhoutte of things, not only dark and bright. even though catarract is inavoidable, at least no further penetrating damage is in progress. like papu said, "dasar Jawa, selalu ada 'alhamdulillah'nya".
Lesson: never underestimate ANY health problem. how minor it may seem at first.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Wisuda Maniez
Friday, February 22, 2008
4 D
Patient: Sri Rejeki, DOB 04.08.1979
Maternal age: 28 years
Obstetric History: Gravida: 2, Para: 1. Mode of last delivery: normal.
Last period: 02.10.2007
EDD by ultrasound: 07.07.2008 (EDD by LMP: 08.07.2008).
Gestational age: 20 weeks + 4 days (Gestational age by dates: 20 W + 3 D)
Anomaly Scan:
Transabdominal US with Voluson 730 Expert. Ultrasound view: good.
Fetal Measurements
Heart action present; fetal movements active; cephalic; amniotic fluid: normal; Cord: 3 vessels.
Placenta: posterior low, Grannum Grade 0.
Fetal anatomy:
The following were well visualized and appear normal:
head, brain, face, spine, neck and skin, chest, four-chamber view and great vessels, abdominal wall, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and bladder, extremities, skeleton
Summary of ultrasound findings: No obvious signs of fetal anomaly were observed
Estimated Fetal Length: 23-24 cm
It's a boy !
Operator: Dr. med. Dario Turk, SpOG, Fetal Medicine Foundation Certified
Maternal age: 28 years
Obstetric History: Gravida: 2, Para: 1. Mode of last delivery: normal.
Last period: 02.10.2007
EDD by ultrasound: 07.07.2008 (EDD by LMP: 08.07.2008).
Gestational age: 20 weeks + 4 days (Gestational age by dates: 20 W + 3 D)
Anomaly Scan:
Transabdominal US with Voluson 730 Expert. Ultrasound view: good.
Fetal Measurements
Heart action present; fetal movements active; cephalic; amniotic fluid: normal; Cord: 3 vessels.
Placenta: posterior low, Grannum Grade 0.
Fetal anatomy:
The following were well visualized and appear normal:
head, brain, face, spine, neck and skin, chest, four-chamber view and great vessels, abdominal wall, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and bladder, extremities, skeleton
Summary of ultrasound findings: No obvious signs of fetal anomaly were observed
Estimated Fetal Length: 23-24 cm
It's a boy !
Operator: Dr. med. Dario Turk, SpOG, Fetal Medicine Foundation Certified
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Akhirnya... Hari ini J jadi juga ke 'sekolah'. Judulnya aja sih sekolah, tapi Bu2n prefers the term 'main-main'. Soalnya emang isinya main2 & juga ga tega anak umuran segitu mesti sekolah hehe...
Anyway, kami sampe di Gymboree Citos jam 10. Begitu liat teman2 sejawat n mainan2 yg ada disitu, Jeela langsung aja minta main. Tapi ternyata jadwal Jeela bukan yg jam 10, tapi jam 11.15. Wah, bete deh si Jeela pas dibawa pergi dari situ. Alhamdulillah ga sampe nangis. Sama bu2nnya, Jeela dibawa ke Aksara bookstore dulu. Lumayan ada 1 jam Jeela mencet2 buku2 yg bunyi2 itu. Pas jam 11 kami jalan deh balik ke Gymbo.
As expected, Jeela was very very excited main2 kesana kemari, exploring every corner. Jeela udah bisa perosotan, dan hampir sempurna loncatnya. Kadang kakinya masih rada ribet juga hehe. Satu lagi favoritnya, masukin bola ke keranjang. Duuh, pokoknya heboh, sampe Bu2n yg gendut ngos2an ngikutinnya. It's still quite difficult though keeping her in the circle with her peers and instructors. I have to keep in mind to find reference about this.
Anyway anyhow, after class, she fell asleep in my arms. I bought her cheese balls just in case she wants snack on the way, but she didn't wake up until we got home.
Fiuh... Menyenangkan skali. And tiring too :) looking fwd to take her to another class. Another day.
Anyway, kami sampe di Gymboree Citos jam 10. Begitu liat teman2 sejawat n mainan2 yg ada disitu, Jeela langsung aja minta main. Tapi ternyata jadwal Jeela bukan yg jam 10, tapi jam 11.15. Wah, bete deh si Jeela pas dibawa pergi dari situ. Alhamdulillah ga sampe nangis. Sama bu2nnya, Jeela dibawa ke Aksara bookstore dulu. Lumayan ada 1 jam Jeela mencet2 buku2 yg bunyi2 itu. Pas jam 11 kami jalan deh balik ke Gymbo.
As expected, Jeela was very very excited main2 kesana kemari, exploring every corner. Jeela udah bisa perosotan, dan hampir sempurna loncatnya. Kadang kakinya masih rada ribet juga hehe. Satu lagi favoritnya, masukin bola ke keranjang. Duuh, pokoknya heboh, sampe Bu2n yg gendut ngos2an ngikutinnya. It's still quite difficult though keeping her in the circle with her peers and instructors. I have to keep in mind to find reference about this.
Anyway anyhow, after class, she fell asleep in my arms. I bought her cheese balls just in case she wants snack on the way, but she didn't wake up until we got home.
Fiuh... Menyenangkan skali. And tiring too :) looking fwd to take her to another class. Another day.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Namanya: Pantai Amai
Today we're going to Pantai Amai. 3-hour drive from Kotaraja, or TTC, Papu's office, to be exact, it's located in Depapre District, west of jayapura. We planned to start at 8am, but ended up going at 10.30am. Sigh. As expected.
There were about 8 families with children ranging from 8 months to 4 years of old. So, it's a quite merry family gathering. Not to mention a bunch of other guys and ladies who are single. Quite a lot.
There were about 8 families with children ranging from 8 months to 4 years of old. So, it's a quite merry family gathering. Not to mention a bunch of other guys and ladies who are single. Quite a lot.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
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