
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I will NOT Share That on My FB Wall for These Reasons

1. If it's not true, as 90% of broadcast messages are, I am committing a crime of slandering
2. There's law concerning the spreading of false news
3. If I bother to check the source before me, I'd likely find one of which objectivity is surely not even near the midline.
4. If it's true, which is not likely, I might offend a friend. And even though it's only 'FB friends' and 'I don't mean it', that's really the least I want.

Last Day of Bumi's K2

This is the graduation invitation for five. Yeeay!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Jumat June 6 2014

Happy Friday ^_^

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Importance of Building a Dream Team

My dearest hubby's article in Excellentia 38 titled 'The Importance of Building a Dream Team' by +aryoputro wicaksono . It's here. It's about time. Yea!

Sharing by Fitriyah Suryadini on Seminar Parenting SDIT Harapan Bunda Manado

Posting berikut adalah tulisan seorang teman, pemerhati pendidikan parenting dan sponsor seminar parenting pertama di SDIT Harapan Bunda Manado pada hari Minggu, 11 mei 2014. Seminar parenting yang dimotori +Komite Harapan Bunda ini dijuduli "Membuat Anak Senang Belajar", dengan narasumber Ibu Dewi Husnul Khotimah. Ibu +Dewi Husnul Khotimah  adalah Direktur +Sekolah Alam Balikpapan  yang telah menjadi pembicara di seminar-seminar bertemakan parenting dan pendidikan. 

"Ceritanya, hampir nyaris tidak sempat ikut acara ini karena keperluan mendadak untuk kembali ke kampung halaman. Namun Alhamdulillah Allah SWT masih mengizinkanku menimba ilmu dari Bu Dewi, sosok yang sangat menginspirasi untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dan dekat kepada Pencipta"

Saturday, May 24, 2014


B: "Mom, can you wait for me until the class is over?"
M: "Off course"
B: "I mean really wait for me inside the class? Listen to all the musics I play"
M: (mmmmh... ) "Ya, sure, Bum"
B: "Thanks Mom"

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Project: Cupcake

This is sooooo getting in our agenda!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Menyambut Hari Kelahiran yang Islami


Postingan serius yeuh. Hehehe kemarin2 ga serius duunk ^_^

Friday, May 16, 2014

Blueberry Cheese Cake Penghibur Lara

Rajab 5th 1435 H was Bumi's July 8th 2008. His 6th Milad in Islamic Calendar. Alhamdulillah...

Mom and Dad and pretty sister Najeela wish you the very best. May Allah SWT bless you with strength of iman, patience, and brain that goes beyond earthly matter. Amiin.

When asked what he wanted for breaking his fast that day, he'd said spontaneously, "Blueberry Cheese Cake!". And so we'd gone to this bakery and bought a slice. Maghrib came and he put his small fork over the cake. 'Aaaargh!' If ever there was a description for a cheese cake as fluffy-soft-melted, then this particular cake was anything but.

And today, Rajab 16th (12 days after), still early in the morning, came one big Harvest plasic bag containing a carton box and two cans of Cookies Harvest. Super excited, the Spidey Boy looked like this:
Alhamdulillah! Thank You Maniez! 
Ini baru Soft, Fluffy, Melted Cheese Cake, sesuai standard lidah normal ^_^ Enjoy Spidey Boy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Inspirasi Super dari Buku Pinjaman

WOW. Itu kata pertama yang terlintas saat pertama membaca judul buku milik teman yang baru saja menerima paket buku belanjaannya dari salah satu toko online. Temanku yang baik hati itu langsung menawarkan, "mau pinjam?" Mau banget atau mau aja, sebenarnya itu yang lebih tepat. Tapi ga tau diri sekali ya kalau buku baru langsung dipinjam. Meskipun dia bilang kalau dia sudah baca buku yang pertamanya jadi tidak masalah kalau saya baca duluan. Woow. lagi. Ini buku kedua? Kemana aja saya selama ini? hahaha. Anyway, saat itu saya baru sampai novel ke-5 dari 7 novel Stephen King, The Dark Tower Series. Hmmm... segenting-gentingnya isi bukunya, ga mungkin saya meninggalkan novel dari penulis favorit saya ini di tengah jalan. Begitulah pola pikir saya sebagai orang tua yang masih jahiliyah *tutup muka*.

Judul: Sebelum Meminta Anak Shalih, Yuk, JADI ORANG TUA SHALIH

Penulis : Ihsan Baihaqi Ibnu Buchori

Penerbit : Mizania (Mizan Group)

ISBN : 978-602-8236-66-9

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ini cerita kami di PEMILU Legislatif 2014

Sejak jauh-jauh hari, sudah apatis menonton aksi politisi wara wiri di TV, di jalanan, di baliho, di kaca angkot, bahkan di selipan bawah pintu rumah. Bulat tekadlah Bu2n untuk Golput. Namun mendekati hari H, nurani makin tergerak untuk ikut ambil peran dalam masa depan negeri yang rasanya makin hari makin sulit untuk dicinta ini. Tapi dimana-mana cinta perlu perjuangan, ya gak? Bahkan disaat yang paling terpurukpun. Terlebih di saat paling terpuruk, disitu cinta diuji. Bukankan pasangan yang menjalin janji untuk hidup bersama pun berikrar For Better and Worse. Bukan ATAU ya. DAN. Dalam senang DAN susah. 

Dan pagi itu Najeela, Bumi dan Papu jalan kaki menyambangi TPS terdekat (yang ternyata tidak dekat) membawa 2 KTP. 6.30 pagi saat itu. Komisioner yang bertugas disitu menginfokan bahwa pemilih tanpa form C6 yang terkenal itu, harus kembali jam 12 siang untuk memilih. Senangnya. Rasanya terhibur dari kesal karena tidak ada petugas yang mendata atau mengantar undangan ke rumah sampai hari H. Yah, meskipun memang tadinya bukan masalah besar ya buat yang berencana golput hihihi...

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Bumi's 1st Visit to Pedodontist

So Eager and Nervous, he jumped on the seat before 
the dentist told him to hahaha
Pedodontist is a dentist, specializing in kids dental care. Back in 2011 Najeela had her 1st visit in KMC, Kemang. We were planning to take Bumi there, but our last couple of visits did not allow any appointment. Busy, busy, busy. Engagements and weddings here and there.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Drummin' The Day

He wouldn't take off his glowing mask lol
Bumi is playing the drum to some unfamiliar song. Nice song, maybe titled Serendipity. I'll look it up on 4shared later. Not too fast, just the right rhytm for Bumi practicing his 123 beat. He insisted on using his spidey mask btw.

From GRSB, Manado

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Young Enterpreneurs: The Beginning

While I was browsing just now, researching for ideas to encourage my youngsters' enterpreneurship, I found this one article about 4 persons who started their businesses early in their lives. One particular person is only a kid of eight when she started her own hair product. Najeela is eight this year on August. And that's why this article in BBC News interests me. I can tell that my girl loves selling stuff and especially loves getting money out of it. Even at 5 in kindergarten she would offer her teachers products from my Oriflame Catalogue. It always amuses me how she seems to be really impatient of my reservation about my way of doing business. She would say, "Do you quit your Oriflame?" or "Are you still selling Oriflame" if I don't give her catalogues to be shown off.

So what does that show me. It's not impossible for them, the kids, to have a will, or dream of getting money from selling stuff they want to sell. It's not like the 90s anymore where all you can think of is that once you get that higher education, you'd be engineer, policeman, doctor, etc. In essence, we grew up longing to be an employee somewhere out there. Now, it's reall a differrent world. Especially for us, my hubby and me, who comes from a family of employees, whether private sector or governmental. Kids these days seriously are considering getting money from selling! It's just a matter of what to sell that needs to be clarified. One day, my girl wanted to sell her used underwear because they are already too small. We don't want that, right? Thus, this is where ideas, brainstorming, and research kick in. 

Pasta Frenzy by Li'l Papuans (Patent Pending)
It's been 2 weeks since we started our PASTA FRENZY days, and she seems still excited about it. Meaning, not yet bored about it. Me? I'm just the mom who cooks. Super glad to have incoming orders for my little daughter's brand new company. She's doing the promotion, the distribution of tester cups. So where do we go from here, then? That's what I'm going to find out. School is ok. Once it held a business day, but not yet to be accounted for. I want business to be in the lesson plan if it were up to me. But it's not. So, I'll go do that research let you know 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Post Manado Flash Flood

Lapangan Sparta Tikala, Manado. Before - After
Almost 3 weeks after the flash flood in Manado and the city is still sea of brown with dust from dried mud in the air. In every breath I take, I can almost feel the thick dirty air. When we took a drive down town, I had never seen so many people queuing at the pharmacies. I deeply wish for a speedy recovery for this city, the society... to stand back up and learn from what happened.